Fremantle Innovation Ecosystem


Oct 10, 2022

Business Foundations Ltd

The Fremantle Innovation Ecosystem initiative formalizes the activities of local innovation service providers, aiming to position Fremantle as a hub for innovation in the blue economy, sustainability, and immersive technology sectors. It endeavors to foster a collaborative environment to connect established businesses, start-ups, scale-ups, and tertiary institutions. Through support of Catalyst Create funding, this initiative aimed to create an accessible environment for innovation. 

Through an initial scoping project, Business Station was able to work alongside innovative businesses and start-ups in Western Australia, particularly in Fremantle to deliver a series of forums, develop an ecosystem identity and prospectus, as well as host a launch event for the initiative within the City.


The scoping project turned from concept into operation, with the launch of the initiatives first program, Propel Fremantle. Run by Enkel Collective, this program is now supporting 11 early stage ventures with the aim to empower entrepreneurs and businesses, leveraging the City of Fremantle’s capacity to grow innovation through technical experts, creative thinkers and the rich cultural history.