The Innovative Society Fund supports innovators, change-makers and ecosystem-supporting organisations
The Innovative Society Fund is not a typical grant program - we emphasise ecosystem collaboration in the formation and delivery of new initiatives.
Funding for initiatives that attract and activate participation in the WA innovation ecosystem, contributing to a stronger culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Funding to establish new programs or initiatives that build capacity and capability in the WA innovation ecosystem, contributing to a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Funding to support the validation or progress of early-stage innovations or ideas. It is available only to existing incubator or accelerator programs operating in WA.
Before enquiring about a grant, ensure your grant meets the eligibility requirements set out in our funding guidelines.
View funding guidelinesApplicants must be an eligible not-for-profit and provide details on their eligibility status. Grants cannot be auspiced.
Each funding stream has specific guidelines on the amount that can be granted, what can be funded and the types of impact outcomes required.
Funding is only available to onboarded Meshpoints Partners, with an emphasis given to those projects developed in a collaborative way.
The Innovative Society Fund is not a typical grant program - we emphasise ecosystem collaboration in the formation and delivery of new initiatives.
The funding guidelines provide an overview of each funding stream, eligible expenditure and the assessment criteria used to review applications. View a summary of the streams and pre-condition checklists on the following page.
View the Funding GuidelinesBefore creating an application, please get in contact with the team at Meshpoints to discuss your project. This is an important step in the process to ensure we can provide guidance on the fit of the project for the fund, and ensure all eligibility requirements are met.
Get in contactWe strongly encourage you to complete a draft application and engage with the Innovative Society Initiative team to get feedback before submitting the final application. Get in contact to get access to start your draft application.
Funding applications are reviewed by an independent assessment panel. You will receive feedback on your application if you are not successful and may reapply. We do not publish assessment dates but meet a 30-day review time for all Catalyst Inspire Grants and a 60-day review time for both Catalyst Create and Lotterywest IdeaStarter applications.
Through the life of your initiative, we may request updates. As you progress with your initiative we strongly encourage you to share updates proactively with the Meshpoints partner network through Circle.
An acquittal is required to be completed within 6 months of your grant acceptance date (but can be extended on request). This is done via an online form we provide to you. We also ask that you post a summary of outcomes and lessons learned on Circle for the purpose of sharing with the wider Partner network.
We're here to help. If you have a question about joining Meshpoints or an idea for a funded project, please get in touch via the following form.