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UWA Venture Program


Mar 3, 2023

UWA Venture Program

Ventures Incubator offers comprehensive support to student-led businesses, with a focus on problem validation, founder’s personal development, and refining business ideas. Anchored in the business model canvas, the program involves setting milestones in collaboration with industry professionals.

Supported by the Lotterywest IdeaStarter funding, Ventures Ideastarter benefited students by providing a diverse range of resources, including online and in-person workshops covering crucial canvas elements, pre-recorded materials, regular personal development coach meetings, industry mentorship, and co-hort support.


Venture accepted 20 teams, with content delivered during semester breaks to minimize impact on other study commitments. For example, within the Ventures incubator, the startup Unify exemplifies the program’s impact, having received crucial funding to enhance the development of their application. Unify is designed to benefit university students by facilitating event discovery and streamlining club operations. Additionally, through the Ventures program, Unify gained valuable marketing support to promote their soon-to-be-launched app.